

Implementing the Canadian Standard on Psychological Health and Safety

Canada introduced a voluntary standard for workplaces for mental health in 2014. This standard has been hailed worldwide as the Gold Standard in mental health in the workplace. Implementing the standard involves several steps including identifying mental health issues in your workplace, introducing mental health concepts and education to employees and implementing psychological safety and risk management in operations. Workshops, consultation and training are available for each of these steps.

Creating a Culture of Dignity and Respect at Work: Leadership Knowledge and Skills for Managing Workplace Bullying

Experiences that attack an employee’s dignity at work are known to be very damaging to an employee. Research shows that those who have experienced chronic exposure to demeaning, ostracizing, rejecting and verbally abusive workplaces show symptoms of trauma which can be greater than those experienced by soldiers exposed to combat situation. This is because the very essence of being human rests on dignity and inclusion in an affirming group that promotes safety and self-esteem. The potential for injury from exposure to psychological harassment, known as workplace bullying, is increasingly being acknowledged by governments, safety organizations, and courts which have increasingly awarded significant financial compensation to targets of workplace bullying.

The culture that a company creates and leadership transmits is critical in creating a culture of dignity and respect. Leaders need an understanding of the concept of workplace bullying e.g. how does this differ from tough management, conflict, and personality issues, the laws related to workplace bullying and their responsibility for managing a safe workplace. Leaders also need the skills to identify, intervene, and manage WPB behaviors in employees.

Finally, in creating a culture of dignity and respect, managers must develop their own personal abilities for moral judgement and respectful behavior. As such, they need to know enough about themselves to ensure that they are part of the solution, not part of the problem.

This full day training can be strengthened through pre-training leadership assessment of participants that provides a debriefing of personal motivators, values, strengths and challenges for leadership within their particular jobs. It is strongly recommended to complete this process prior to training.